1 day to go!
It’s time to wrap up some loose ends at work, and lose the shoes! I don’t know if I mentioned this but our ship was […]
5 days until vacation!
Hey I can see my cabin in this picture. Pretty excited over our first balcony!
Intercontinental Miami
Picture of lobby of the Intercontinental Miami. I bet Super 8 ain’t got no sculptures
Sometimes a deal isn’t all it’s cracked up to be
We empower customers to save money on air travel by offering ultra low base fares with a range of optional services for a fee (shown […]
Lailapalooza 2011 Nears!
As I posted earlier here; we are going to celebrate Laila’s birthday by taking a cruise. We are very excited and its time to fill […]
New toy and poor boy
I don’t know why but we have been looking for a bread maker for a little while. The last few times we were at Walmart […]
Welcome to the South!
Driving home today, notice the only thing tied down well is the deer with the how the hell did I get in this predicament look.
Pictures from Galveston
I had forgot that I had promised to post the pictures from when we visited Galveston back in July. They can be found here.