

So we sailed on Sunday. Monday was a sea day where we avoided the sun and hung out in the casino with some success.

We met our table mates who were a very nice couple from Canada celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. The whole eating with some one you do not know every night is a little bit frightening and we felt very blessed to have them as ours.

On Tuesday we arrived in Cozumel. It was the one day where we did not plan an excursion. We figured we would shop a bit with the money I won playing craps and eat lunch.

First we took a cab ride with a fellow who was carrying a brief case and had a strange habit of extending his pinkie the whole time. There was something a little strange about him.


I wonder what was in the case.

When you take a cab from the port they take you to the far end of the shopping district and dump you off at the cruise ships approved shops. We decided to take a look at some jewelry and a watch. I spoke with a gentleman from Israel about watches but when I saw they started at $500 and went up from there I became disinterested. I then looked around and saw I could not find Laila. Great, I lost her in my first ten minutes in Mexico. Mammie is going to kill me.

When I found Laila she was wearing a lovely diamond pendant around her neck and was speaking with another gentleman from Israel. They offered us some free drinks while we shopped. So when we decided we liked it, I asked the important question of how much. When I was informed it was $10,800, I became disinterested.

We were really just shopping for a diamond accent ring and they were very persistent. They tried to get us to upgrade Laila’s engagement ring and have the stone set in a necklace. I told them I would trade in the spouse before the ring. Sentimental value you know.

When we told them we had to go eat they offered to have lunch brought in. I let them know we would think about it and let them know. The one gentleman made me promise him I would return and let him know one way or the other and insisted we shake on it.

I am usually a man of my word and a hand shake means a lot to me. I struggled with the decision to go back or not and finally decided he would do anything to keep me there so I should be allowed to do anything to get out.

We did not return.

We headed up the street and purchased a couple of Cuban cigars.

We headed in to a much less high pressure jewelry shop as I was looking for a gold crucifix and chain. I found a crucifix I liked for $189. When I picked out the chain and asked how much for both I was told over $1200. I asked how much if we paid in cash and he said $950. I let him know I was carrying much less than that. After much haggling the price came down to what I had in my pocket which was about 70% less than the original price. He had to run someplace to get the crucifix changed so it would fit the chain and said he would be back in a couple of minutes. Mexico operates on a completely different clock than here in the US and after a half hour he had not returned. I tossed the shop keeper a $100 bill and told her we would be back for it.

We walked in to the square and looked for  a nice place to have lunch. There were waiters on the street every where trying to get you to come in to their restaurant. We eventually chose the Casablanca restaurant.

We got a nice sidewalk table and ordered some drinks and started with fish tacos and some queso with chorizo. Both were very delicious. I had never had fish tacos before and wasn’t sure that I would like them, I did though and found out later they were made from grouper. While we were working on our first course we were serenaded by a mariachi band (for a small tip).


For the meal we ordered some feast for two. After the tacos and queso we were no longer that hungry but it was also very good. While we were eating the main course another mariachi band came around. I tipped them and they played three songs for us. After they were done I asked them if they would like a beer.


They were all for it. For $20 bucks and three beers they played and joked with us for almost an hour. I even got around to asking them if they knew Layla by Eric Clapton. They were quite confused by the request but did the best they could. They played a traditional song and at the end of every verse they said Laila. I even got to back them up for part of a song. I finally found an instrument I think I can master.HPIM3300

We headed back to jewelry shop and picked up our purchase and headed back to the port area.

Some people get a little too crazy as there was a bar with a strippers pole and some lubricated tourists were all too happy to oblige.

We ended up at the restaurant closest to the ship to have one more for the sea and to fire up the Cuban cigar. I am not really a cigar smoker and did not finish it or enjoy it very much.

We ended up finding a watch that could tell time for much less than $500 on board the ship as well as the ring that Laila wanted. Gambling winnings go bye bye.

We had a great time in Cozumel. The only negative was that as you walked down the street the shop keepers were very aggressive in trying to get your business. My one piece of advice is to never agree to the first price offered.




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